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Mississauga Stadium is an accessible, high-quality sports facility that fosters a lifelong love of sport.


Mississauga Stadium welcomes you! Please respect the local community and the staff and students at Mississauga Secondary School by following all parking and traffic signs in the area. We all have a part to play in keeping this community vibrant!

Mississauga Stadium

Conveniently located off of Hwy. 401 (Mavis Rd. exit), Mississauga Stadium offers user groups a state-of-the-art athletic facility that includes a full size artificial turf field, an air supported seasonal dome, and LED sports lighting. The stadium also includes a 15,000 square foot clubhouse with washrooms, meeting rooms, multi-purpose rooms, lockers and a fitness space.

Track Rentals

Interested in renting or training on the MSS track? We would love to have you! Please contact [email protected].

Catch Corner

Take advantage of last-minute rental opportunities.

Stadium Sport Leagues

Your next game starts here!

Good Rec

Pick Up Games On-Demand